The ONLY online training academy for BOTH Hoopers and Agility!
Exercises to take you through everything you need right from the start of your sports careers, right up to championship level competitions.
Suitable for ALL handler and dog teams:
Learn everything you and your dog need to train and compete in Agility. Our training is all aimed at teaching the dogs to have complete understanding of each individual skill. This means that our training is perfect for ALL handlers, whether you are a runner or not! We specialise in Distance Handling and building Independence in dogs.
- Directional Skills
- 1 Jump Skills
- Advanced 1 Jump Skills
- Basic Sequencing
- Advanced Sequencing
- Seesaw Training – all stages of seesaw training to have a happy confident dog, we also look at both running and stop seesaws.
- Tunnel Training – includes wrong end!
- Reliable Stop Contacts
- Running Dog Walk Contacts – Not MAT Method
- Running A-Frame
- Totally independent Weaves
- Weekly Sequencing Lessons
- Feedback on your videos
- Course Running/Analysis
Learn everything you and your dog need to train and compete in Hoopers.
- Directional Skills
- Distance Handling Skills
- Teach your dog how to safely and confidently navigate each piece of equipment
- Start with small sequences
- Longer Sequences
- Advanced Sequences
- Obstacle Discrimination
- Technical Skills
- Earning Extra Points
- Course Running/Analysis
Bonuses –Â
- Feedback on videos to help you with your training
- K9 Fit zone
- Trick Classroom
- Recall Training
- Loose Lead Walking
- Dogs that need more Space whether they are over excited, frustrated greeters, nervous or worried or fear aggressive
- Impulse Control
- Working with Multiple Dogs
- Diary of a Distance Pup
- Neo’s Distance Diary
- Access to a Facebook Support group for sharing videos, asking questions and general support
- Early bird booking for Training Camps and Workshops